I started at the beginning of lockdown and lost 9 and a half stone over 2 years. Then in the summer of 2023 I stopped tracking, thinking I could do it without the support of Nutracheck. But I quickly began to fall back into old habits and started gaining some of the weight back. In January 2024, I realised that if I didn't get back on it I would've gained all my weight again so that's when I began tracking and attending the gym 4-5 times a week. Just after lockdown when we were allowed to exercise outside, I started attending my local Clubbercise class once or twice a week and I still attend the class now. They really helped me gain some confidence once I started losing weight. Now in total I have lost 10st 7lbs147lbs66.6kg.
My decision came at the beginning of the pandemic. This was because although I knew that I needed to lose weight, I thought being at home and not at work, I would gain more and I was also worried that having such a high BMI would mean that if I did catch Covid then I might have been affected more.
I heard about Nutracheck on Facebook. I joined a couple of groups and then I downloaded the app.
I have always struggled with my weight, joining slimming clubs numerous times since I was 15 but found that they didn't help in the long-term because they are very restrictive.
My health has improved massively. I no longer get out of breath just walking up the stairs and I exercise regularly now which I enjoy because I find it easier without the excess weight. I have more energy which helps me with my job that involves looking after children with additional needs and I can take my own children swimming without worrying about what I look like or being too tired.
I found it easy to fit the changes into my lifestyle because I didn't have to cut anything out. If I'm invited out for a meal or if I fancy chocolate or sweets I just plan it into my day. But I have found that I don't crave them as often anymore and I also find that I struggle to eat bigger portions now.
I think the most difficult thing was trying to get my head around being able to eat anything without feeling guilty! With other slimming clubs I was taught from a young age that certain foods were bad but I've learnt over the years that everything is ok in moderation. They also taught me that certain foods are allowed in an unlimited amount which is also not good because that didn't teach me about portion control. I also found it difficult to stay on track once I stopped using Nutracheck.
I feel the healthiest I have ever been. I can now go into a shop and buy clothes or online knowing they will fit. I don't have to go to plus size shops anymore and I'm no longer embarrassed doing simple things like going swimming with my children or going out with my friends.
Losing 10 and a half stone is the best milestone I can think of! I never thought I could do it and I'm so proud of myself for achieving it.
* Weight loss is individual and your personal rate of loss may vary from any case studies shown on this website.
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