Jay's story

Start weight
Nutracheck weight loss
10st 10lbs
Current weight
17st 4lbs

How much weight have you lost and how long did it take?

I have lost 10 stone up to now, and I started my loss in January 2022.

What prompted your decision to lose weight?

I decided to lose weight as I felt gross and ugly. I was also struggling to breathe properly.

How did you hear about Nutracheck?

My ex-partner recommended the Nutracheck app as I didn’t believe her about how many calories I was eating until I started scanning myself.

Has your weight stayed fairly consistent over the years, or have you always had to manage it?

My weight was always up and down as I didn't realise how many calories I was consuming.

Have you experienced any health improvements?

Yes, I have got rid of my fatty liver, and I've been discharged. I also have arthritis, and losing weight has helped with my mobility.

How easy was it to fit the changes you made into your lifestyle?

At first, it was really hard mentally as I am addicted to food. I had to mentally accept it at first before I made the changes to my lifestyle.

What was the most difficult thing about your weight-loss journey?

The most difficult thing about my weight loss journey was cutting out the snacks and the cravings.

How do you feel now compared to before?

I feel a million dollars compared to how I was before. I've gone from a size 44-inch waist to 38-inch waist.

Any notable milestones to report?

I have 2 stone still left to lose until I reach my overall goal of 16 stone. I will then hit my 12 stone weight loss mark, which will be the best achievement.

What 3 tips would you give to anyone who has weight to lose?

  1. Weigh yourself on a Thursday, so if you have lost weight that week, it helps you get through the weekend.
  2. Stay mentally strong, and don't give up no matter how hard your body craves naughty food.
  3. Make sure you eat 3 times a day and don't starve yourself.
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* Weight loss is individual and your personal rate of loss may vary from any case studies shown on this website.

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