Emma's story

Start weight
Nutracheck weight loss
Current weight

How much weight have you lost and how long did it take?

I have lost 87lbs39.5kg in 10 months. I started on the January 20th this year and I was over 296lbs134.3kg.

What prompted your decision to lose weight?

I was feeling low at the time as I had not long recovered from a broken ankle. I also had some really bad news that my grandmother had cancer and she sadly passed away a few weeks after. I knew I needed something else to focus on as soon as possible.

How did you hear about Nutracheck?

I came across Nutracheck through the official Facebook group and I read all of the success stories. It was also significantly cheaper than other apps out there.

Has your weight stayed fairly consistent over the years, or have you always had to manage it?

Unfortunately not - I have been calorie counting for years and kept control of my weight for quite a while before having children. But after my second child, Covid came around quite fast and I started working nights at the same time. I sunk into a bit of depression for a while and totally lost my way and was oblivious to how big I had become.

Have you experienced any health improvements?

I was suffering with knee and back pain and I was struggling to play with my children and do my job. I have much more energy now, I can do my job with ease and be the Mum I want to be.

How easy was it to fit the changes you made into your lifestyle?

I found my lifestyle adapted very quickly. As soon as you're aware of calorie counting it's almost something you do instinctively. I also started going to my local Halo Gym, after I won a 6 month free gym membership in a Christmas incentive they were running. The two definitely worked hand-in-hand and it was nice to focus on myself instead of my children for once.

What was the most difficult thing about your weight-loss journey?

The most difficult thing for me has been to recognise my triggers and meal plan. As I work nights, I have to hold calories back for food when I'm at work. Calorie counting has allowed me to have a bit of what I fancy and not restrict myself of any food type. If I want chocolate or something as a treat I will just save calories for it or eat less of it.

How do you feel now compared to before?

Each day I'm becoming more confident and I feel mentally and physically stronger. In the past, I have wanted to lose weight for a short term event like a holiday etc but now I want to live my life to its full potential without my weight holding me back.

Any notable milestones to report?

I have gone from a size 22-24 to a 14-16. I can now shop in high street shops again. I can also take my children swimming regularly and they say I'm much more fun now.

What 3 tips would you give to anyone who has weight to lose?

  1. Try to get your steps in daily. Not only is movement good for your weight loss it's also amazing for mental health. It could be walking the dog, pushing the pram or just moving in general.
  2. Drink plenty of water and bulk up your meals with plenty of protein and vegetables.
  3. Make sure you add your foods and have an idea of the calories before you eat them so you aren't going over your calories. Also, don't deprive yourself of something you fancy and just make sure you do add it to your diary.
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* Weight loss is individual and your personal rate of loss may vary from any case studies shown on this website.

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